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Bamp-27 = Blunt abdominal and metathoracic projections
Gene: Bamp-27
Feature/structure: T3 anterior metasternal projection and A3 anterior midline point
Linkage Group:  3 
Origin: Gamma irradiation of Ga-1
Description: • The anterior midline projection of the T3 [third thoracic] sternum, which usually forms a firm junction with the posterior midline of the T2 sternum at the T2 legs, lacks its usual point, leaving a small gap at the T2-T3 juncture.
• The anterior midline projection of the A3 [third abdominal] sternum, which usually forms a firm junction with the posterior midline of the T3 sternum at the T3 legs, has a reduced point, leaving a noticable gap at the T3-A3 juncture.
• This was the irradiated chromosome for the 33B . . . family of LG 3 crossover suppresors.
• Very fertile.
• No translocations found by cytology.
Illustration of Bamp-27 mutant